Monday, 24 September 2012

Interactive Tours for the 9-12 classroom

Technology has the shelf life of a banana.”  Scott McNealy

As the speed of technological innovation continues to hasten, so does the potential for enriched distance learning.  Instructional designers are creating new, exciting opportunities for learners everywhere.  The immense choices of technologies available provide an exciting range of possibilities. 

Case in point

A high school history teacher, located on the west coast of the United States, wants to showcase to her students new exhibits being held at two prominent New York City museums. The teacher wants her students to take a "tour" of the museums and be able to interact with the museum curators, as well as see the artwork on display. Afterward, the teacher would like to choose two pieces of artwork from each exhibit and have the students participate in a group critique of the individual work of art. (Walden University)

Role of the Instructional Designer

There are numerous ways that the instructional designer can help the teacher develop this learning module.   But, the most important first step is to determine the lowest common technologies (LCT).   This can be done through a student survey where the students are prompted to list the technologies available to them (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, Zvacek, 2012, p. 116).   Survey Monkey is a user friendly and efficient tool to use to create and administer surveys.  There is no point in developing a module that requires technologies not available to the learners.


High school students are likely to be familiar with social networking sites such as Facebook.   “According to a recent study by the Pew Internet and American Life project, 55% of precollege Americans ages 12 to 17 were active on social networking sites in 2006” (Simonson, et al, p. 131).  Using Facebook, students can easily take a picture of the two pieces of artwork they choose to critique and begin discussion threads. Similarly, the museum curator can log in to the Facebook page and interact with the students asynchronously.  He /she can engage in a Q&A with the students regardless of time zone or location.

The “tour” of the museum exhibition(s) can take place through video created by the museum and placed on to the Facebook page.  Further, most museums already have virtual tours of their regular collection, albeit they reserve their special exhibits for those that come in for the face-to-face visit. 

Developing a rubric in order to determine if the learning outcomes have been reached is important to the design of this module.  Discussion threads are an easy way to evaluate the students’ ability to question and analyze content. 

Kristen Nicole Cardon, a student in a British Literary course, describes how her teacher facilitated discussions in her class using a Facebook page. She describes various benefits of the use of Facebook in her class including, “We were able to benefit from insights from peers who generally don’t participate in class discussion” and “Through contributions from our classmates, we understood how each distinct text related to the others and to the class focus, and so on” (Walsh, 2010).  Facebook is a great tool to use for lively discussion threads particularly because of the familiarity of the platform and the ease of use. 

Facebook is also used in the classroom for other purposes.  Not only do the discussion threads provide a platform for developing your ideas but also Facebook gives students a voice they may not of otherwise had.  In a recent article from the popular educational website, Edutopia, I learned how teachers have been using Facebook to give students a voice and to promote advocacy (Walpert-Gawron, 2010). The Buffelgrass Shall Perish fan page provided Mr. Brian Kievit’s middle school students the opportunity to send their message to a broader community using Facebook (2010). 

Facebook is a useful tool, with which the teacher can effectively apply distributed learning, 
allowing “instructor, students, and content to be located in different, non-centralized locations so that instruction and learning occur independent of place and time” (Simonson, et al, 2012, p. 124).

Virtual Worlds

Perhaps a bit ambitious, but another exciting possibility is the use of virtual worlds such as Second Life. Virtual worlds “appear to have exciting potential for placing students in real-life applications of course content”  (Simonson, et al, 2012, p. 132).  The instructional designer can recreate the desired exhibition and the students’ avatars can interact with the art within the virtual world.  

This is an exciting concept but the limitations may be too difficult to overcome.  The necessity of a large bandwidth for users and the extensive amount of time required to recreate the scenarios (Simonson, et al, p. 132) may make this technology impossible for the teacher and instructional designer alike.  However, once developed it would be the next best thing to purchasing a round trip ticket to New York City and being there in person.

Many educators are already experimenting with tools like Second Life.  As part of a Global Kids Inc. initiative, Second Life was used to enhance content in urban classrooms.  They warn not to underestimate the power of Second Life as an instructional tool especially when teamed with other Web 2.0 tools (Joseph, Santo, Tsai, 2007, p. 18). Global Kids offers some ideas for implementing Second Life in classrooms such as creating interactive workshops and photo shows (Joseph, et al, 2007, p. 19).  Both of these would be useful in our scenario. 

Wikis, Blogs and Video Conferencing (Skype)

Depending on the availability of technology and the experience of the instructional designer and the teacher, the right choice may be different from the two outlined above.  Wikis provide an easy to use platform for collaboration.  Videos can be loaded as widgets and discussion threads can be used to critique artwork or/and interact with the museum curators.  Other possibilities include the use of blogs for ease of communication and or video conferencing tools such as Skype to interact with the museum curators in real time.    


Joseph, B., Santo, R., & Tsai, T. (2007, July). Best practices in using virtual worlds for education 

Scott McNealy's top five. (2006, April 25). Retrieved from Tech Republic website:

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2012). Teaching and learning at a    
            distance Foundations of distance education (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Walsh, K. (2010, August). Facebook as an instructional technology tool [Newsgroup post]. Retrieved 
     from EmergingEd Tech website: 
Wolpert-Gawron, H. (2010, May). Social media in education: The power of Facebook [Newsgroup post]. 
     Retrieved from Edutopia website: 


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